
Aging In Place


Contributed by: Procino-Wells & Woodland, LLC

How is Aging in Place different than what I’m doing now?

“Aging in Place” has become a coined phrase in the healthcare industry, pointing to several solutions that when used together, help seniors live safely, independently and comfortably. Notably in our experience is the use of professional aging in place specialists. These professionals are sometimes referred to as “Elder Care Managers”, “Geriatric Case Managers”, “Aging in Place Specialists”, etc., but despite the title, intend to offer the same service of routinely evaluating the senior’s daily activities, behaviors, and changes in heal...

Planning for Four-Legged Family Members


Planning for Four-legged Family Members By: Taylor R. White, Estate Planning Coordinator

We often consider our pets more than just furry friends, but our four-legged family members. While we have many important people in our busy lives, our pets only have us. It’s imperative to consider how to provide for them in the event of unforeseen circumstances through your estate planning- just as you would for your human family members.

The Who, What and Where- Be sure to consider who will ultimately care for your pets and how they will be cared for. Remember, you have options- this person could be a close family member, friend or professional. I...

Qualifying for Tax Breaks for a Dependent Parent


Qualifying for Tax Breaks for a Dependent Parent Contributed by PKS & Company, P.A.

For many families, the tables may turn, and adult children provide financial support for their parents. For example, you might have moved your in-laws from a long-term care facility into your home during the pandemic for safety and convenience. Or your widowed father might still live in his own home, but his pension might not be enough to cover his living expenses, so you pay his rent and substantial medical costs.

If you pay over half the cost of...

What is the Difference Between Medicare and Medicaid?


What is the Difference Between Medicare and Medicaid?

Provided by ElderCounsel, Newsletter 5.21

Medicare and Medicaid are two different government programs for healthcare. It is important to understand the difference between them. Here, we will discuss how the program benefits differ, how eligibility for each program is established, and discuss some recent news pertaining to each program.

Medicare vs. Medicaid – What are the program benefits?

Medicare is a program administered by the federal government to provide healthcare to certain populations. Original Medicare is divided into Parts A and B.

Medicare Part A c...

Supporting Caregivers During Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month


By: Emma Driban, JFS Content Developer Written & Published in the June issue of the jVOICE JFS Delaware -

In Delaware alone, there is an estimated 19,000 residents aged 65 and older currently living with dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association 2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures. While that number is significant, it does not convey the number of people who are impacted by dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease. When a family member is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia, the diagnosis can h...

PWW Law Summer Reading List


PWW Summer Reading List

Several of our team members love to read and envision the sandy beach on a warm summer day as the ideal spot to take in a good book. We’ve compiled a list of books that our team members have enjoyed recently, and we hope our list helps you round out your summer reading. Enjoy!

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

We Were the Lucky Ones by Georgia Hunter

We Are All the Same in the Dark by Julia Heaberlin

The Water Keeper by Charles Martin

The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd

Verity by Colleen Hoover

Garlic and Sapphires: The Secret Life of a Critic in Disguise by Ruth R...

Public Benefits: Can I Do It Myself?


Public Benefits: Can I Do It Myself? Contributed by: Danielle M. Marvel, Elder Law Department Manager

Occasionally we meet a client who is brave enough to ask us if they can file for Long Term Care Medicaid or Veteran’s Aid & Attendance on their own. We suspect it is on the tip of most client’s tongues. The short answer: yes, you can. The beginning of the application process for either benefit would be comparable to applying for a highly sought-after new job; the applicant would be nervous, want to do it right, want it to go well, but not know exactly what answers are expected in the blank fields. After getting past the basic name, add...

Let's Talk About Shoes


Let's Talk About Shoes

Contributed by: Amy Clark, BSN, RN, CDP, Clinical Director at Silver Lining Home Healthcare

Our feet take a beating, and as we age, there are many changes in our feet that affect what shoes we can wear. As the foot ages, the arches fall, the fat pads go away, and we get bunions and corns and hammertoes. Many people suffer from plantar fasciitis, poor circulation, thick toenails, and loss of sensation in their feet. All of these foot problems can make you want to throw away your fashionable shoes and opt for what some might call “old people'' shoes! But there are so many wonderful o...

Something Worth Protecting


Something Worth Protecting Contributed by: Taylor White, Estate Planning Coordinator

As far back as I can remember, I was taught the value of hard work, the value of a dollar, and the value of integrity. Those values have grown in importance as I age. Most of us will work hard to provide for ourselves and, maybe even our loved ones, for the majority of our adult lives. Most of us hope to realize that true success and fulfillment is about living a great lifestyle. It’s about being healthy, spending time with the right people, enjoying the moment and experiencing a bit of good old-fashioned fun. While our basic needs as humans are the same, ...

Becoming Your Parent’s Caregiver: Relationship Tips for Adult Children


Becoming Your Parent’s Caregiver: Relationship Tips for Adult Children Contributed by Delaware Hospice

Human nature dictates that we often experience child-parent struggles. The blurring of identities as our parents advance in age and we become their caregivers frequently intensifies these struggles. This can create tremendous strain on our ability to manage the day-to-day stresses of these new roles. But there are some relatively simple ways to handle the changes in your relationship with your parents and make the transition easier on you both.

Stop and count to 10

Simply stopping and counting to 10 b...

Do You Have a Blind Spot?


Do You Have a Blind Spot? Contributed by: Marie T. Chin, Asset Alignment Coordinator

We are passionate about creating estate plans that work. You might think that having an estate plan that works requires a relationship with an estate planning firm, or a stack of thorough and up to date estate planning documents, and although that’s all true, what is equally if not more important is maintaining accurate financial records of assets with your estate planning firm.

When we introduce this coaching, we often hear feedback to the tune of, ‘I already have a financial advisor.’ We completely understand, and assure clients that we have no qua...

Love Your Pet! It's Pet Dental Health Month!


Love Your Pet! It’s Pet Dental Health Month By Dr. Sandra J. Platt, DVM Contributed by Vital Magazine,

February is a very special month for veterinary medicine – it’s Pet Dental Health Month! The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) reports 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats have some kind of oral disease by the age of three, although some experts believe it’s actually much higher. No one debates that it’s one of the most common problems faced by our four-legged family members, though. One thing that has become more apparent with increased understanding of pet health is that dental health ...

Accepting Support in Your Role as Caregiver


Contributed by Delaware Hospice

Accepting Support in Your Role as Caregiver

When people ask family caregivers, “What can I do to help?” many caregivers don’t know how to answer. Many of us are pretty reluctant to actually assign work to others, even others who are more than willing to really help. Because of this we miss out on much needed help and support. You may admittedly be feeling overwhelmed with juggling work, children, and the responsibilities of your own home while caring for a loved one with an advanced illness. But moving from feeling overwhelmed to actually accepting help is often something man...

Power of Attorney - The Broader, The Better


Power of Attorney: The Broader, The Better By: Jessica L. Whaley, Esq.

When speaking about estate planning in general terms, most people tend to direct their attention to those documents that plan for after they have departed this life (i.e. a will or trust). However, when we prepare an estate plan for our clients, we not only want to prepare documents to assist in the administration of their estate, but also to aid in the years of life ahead. This is where a Power of Attorney (“POA”) becomes a useful document - when it is drafted correctly. As we will discuss below, without the proper powers assigned within the document, a POA can be a s...

Pandemic Fatigue – Not Just Another Buzzword


Contributed by: Catherine M. Seeber, CFP®, CeFT® A Certified Financial Transitionist (CeFT®) is trained to help clients navigate through major life events and the financial transitions that accompany them. The CeFT® is the industry’s first designation specifically geared toward financial change and transition.

As seen in recent headlines, the term pandemic fatigue describes the impact of COVID-19 related stressors on our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. I am writing not to explain how to define it, or suggest how one might deal with it, but to relate it to any life transition one faces during their lifetime and the resilience one c...

A Thorough Estate Plan Includes Your Child with Special Needs


Contributed by: Amber B. Woodland, Esquire

Any well-rounded estate plan plans for your incapacity and ultimately your death. With the use of foundational, thoroughly drafted estate planning documents, you can ensure that your affairs are in order. But, if you have a special needs child, grandchild or other beneficiary, there is a bit more you should consider.

Outlined here are 3 common myths associated with special needs planning along with an ideal solution:

Does your child with special needs have to be disinherited? No. While we recognize and understand that disinheriting your child with special needs may seem like an easy solution to...

An Ounce of Prevention vs. a Pound of Cure: Preventing Guardianship With a Durable Power of Attorney


Written by: Michele Procino-Wells, Esquire

Management of household finances can be complex, particularly when a surviving spouse is left with the daunting task of decoding a recently-departed partner’s precise methods of paying bills and keeping accounts in order. For many adult children, watching their parents endure this can bring about added stress and concern, as well as anxiety over whether timely payments are made and assets are handled prudently.

This conundrum, coupled with the onset of senility and forgetfulness, can leave many adult children pondering what they should do – legally speaking – to ensure their parent’s affairs ar...

Blue Ribbon Meatloaf


There's a chill in the air this week and it has us craving comfort food. This recipe is a team favorite!

Blue Ribbon Meatloaf

Recipe adapted from:

2 t. canola oil

2 c. chopped onion

12 oz. bottle of dark or amber beer

1 t. dried thyme

1 t. mustard powder

3/4 t. salt

1/2 t. pepper

1 1/4 lbs. lean ground beef

1 1/4 lbs. lean ground turkey

1 c. breadcrumbs

1/4 c. chopped fresh parsley

2 large eggs, lightly beaten

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Coat a loaf pan with cooking spray.

Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion and cook, stirring often, until translucent and starting to brown, or...

Social Security Announces 1.3 Percent Benefit Increase for 2021


Social Security Announces 1.3 Percent Benefit Increase for 2021 October 13, 2020

Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for approximately 70 million Americans will increase 1.3 percent in 2021, the Social Security Administration announced today.

The 1.3 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will begin with benefits payable to more than 64 million Social Security beneficiaries in January 2021. Increased payments to more than 8 million SSI beneficiaries will begin on December 31, 2020. (Note: some people receive both Social Security and SSI benefits). The Social Security Act ties the annual COLA to the...

A Little Known Help


Worried. Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Stressed.

The local chapter of a health advocacy group did an informal survey of their members aimed at understanding the experience of family caregivers, those people taking responsibility to provide care to a loved one with a health need. These are spouses, adult children, nieces and nephews, even elderly parents caring for an adult child. These words describe their experience.

Caring for someone else full time is an enormous undertaking and usually so demanding that most caregivers lose sight of taking care of themselves with breaks and rest. Mixing in the emotion of caring for a family member...

4 Secrets to Finding Purpose and Community After Retirement


Generously contributed by Vital! Magazine. You can

No matter how much you look forward to retirement, you may wake up the morning after your last day at work and feel sadness or anxiety. For decades, your days and weeks were structured. You knew what you had to do, where you had to be, what time you had to be there, and who you’d see when you arrived. Now you’re without that structure and community. Sometimes we don’t know what we’re going to miss until it’s gone, and structure and community are things you may be surprised to miss. Whether you recently retired or are thinking about your future retireme...

She's Still Independent


Contributed by: Karen L. Hurley, Estate Administration Coordinator

My cat Frank lives for routine and predictability. He doesn’t want to be fed at 7:01, he wants to be fed at 7:00 sharp. He’s not alone. Most of us learn to appreciate or maybe crave some of the repetition in life. That’s not to say that surprises can’t be fun. Most of us love an unexpected visit from a close friend, receiving a thoughtful gift, or finding a refund check in the mail! But sometimes life has a way of poking holes in our routines and presenting surprises that aren’t so welcome.

Sudden news came for my family in the form of a phone call at 2am, f...

Access My Social Security From Your Home


By: Carol Kellam, Social Security District Manager in Salisbury, MD

With so many services available online through my Social Security, signing up for a secure account will help you conduct Social Security business from home. With your personal my Social Security account, you can:

o Estimate your future benefits with our Retirement Calculator to compare different dates or ages to begin receiving benefits;

o Check the status of your Social Security application;

o Review your work history; and

o Request a replacement Social Security card (in most States).

If you already receive benefits, you can also:

o Get a benefit verification...

Is it Safe to Visit Older Family Members at Home?


Generously contributed by Vital! Magazine. You can

Stay at home orders are finally easing up. But is it safe to visit older friends and family vulnerable to complications of COVID-19? Phone calls and video chats are great, but what if your parent relies on you for help around the house? Managing logistics while keeping your distance is even more complex when the older person's cognitive skills are compromised.

Balancing the risks Coronavirus may be spread both by asymptomatic carriers and those who feel sick, meaning any in-person visit carries some level of risk. But if you’ve been feeling well and t...

BrightStar Care Under New Ownership


BrightStar Care of Anne Arundel County, Easton and Salisbury, Maryland were recently acquired by Thomas Graves, MBA, FACHE, president and CEO of Flat Creek Investments, LLC.

Previously owned and operated locally by Bob Brueckman, BrightStar Care is a Joint Commission accredited, full-service home care organization and staffing agency. Its locations in Anne Arundel, Easton and the Lower Eastern Shore are part of a network of more than 300 independently owned and operated locations nationwide. BrightStar Care provides medical and non-medical care to private clients – pediatric through end-of-life – in their own homes. Clients and their fam...