Variation in prices can be attributed to number of choices and the choices people make.
Funeral services in the U.S. cost, on average, thousands of dollars with services, burial fees, coffins and flowers, as well as prices that vary by states, according to the Cronkite News in "Arizonians pay less for funeral services compared to rest of nation."{: target="_blank"}
The average cost of funeral services in Arizona and in nearby states are much cheaper than they are elsewhere. The primary reason for this is not because funeral homes charge that much less. It is because cremation is much more popular in those states, than in the rest of the nation.
Cremation is so popular that there is plenty of competition in the market place for it. It is also much cheaper than in other states with fewer crematoriums.
The best way to control funeral costs is not to move.
It is to make plans ahead of time, so that you can make sure your estate has the necessary money, regardless of how you would like your remains to be handled.
An estate planning attorney can advise you on creating an estate plan that fits your unique circumstances, as well as advise on sufficient funding available for funeral expenses.
Reference: Cronkite News (Dec. 26, 2017) "Arizonians pay less for funeral services compared to rest of nation."{: target="_blank"}