A Tale of Family, Memories, and Legacy Planning
It began with a Disney vacation 19 years ago. While Sam and Rose's extended family enjoyed the classic attractions, one moment stands out above all: their three-year-old granddaughter Sarah, armed with quick legs and a curious mind, found her grandmother's dentures and decided to share them with the family dog, Benny.
That day, Benny may have gained the most memorable smile in family history, but the story gained something even more valuable – a place in their family's treasury of cherished memories. Today, a Disney snow globe from that trip sits on their mantel, sparking laughter whenever the tale is retold.
When Sam and Rose met with us to create their estate plan, the conversation went beyond just homes and savings accounts. That 2006 Disney snow globe, with its priceless connection to a moment of childhood mischief, will one day be part of Sarah's inheritance – a physical reminder of the joy she brought to her family.
Sometimes, the smallest treasures carry the biggest memories. Does your estate plan also protect and preserve your tangible personal property? We can help.